16 Abundant Benefits of Consuming Yellow Pumpkin (Kabocha)

16 Abundant Benefits of Consuming Yellow Pumpkin (Kabocha)

Yellow pumpkin, aka kabocha, is a type of pumpkin that is often used as a complementary food for breast milk (MPASI). The color of this Japanese pumpkin flesh is a combination of yellow and orange.

This type of pumpkin has a delicious taste. Not surprisingly, many people enjoy consuming it. In fact, yellow pumpkin can also be processed in various ways, whether by steaming it, making it into a cake mix, or even making compote.

The good news is that pumpkin has a number of good effects on health. What are the benefits of yellow pumpkin? Come on, find out the answer through the review below.

1. Contains Many Nutrients
Quoting from Food Data Central U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), in 100 grams the nutritional content of yellow pumpkin consists of:

Energy: 35 calories
Protein: 1.18 grams
Carbohydrates: 8.24 grams
Fiber: 1.2 grams
Sugar: 3.53 grams
Calcium: 24 mg
Potassium: 412 mg
Vitamin C: 10.6 mg
Apart from the nutrients above, there are a number of other vitamins and minerals contained in pumpkin. Thanks to the content of yellow pumpkin, this vegetable can meet daily nutritional needs.

2. Reduces the risk of cancer
One of the ingredients in pumpkin, beta-carotene, can help reduce the risk of cancer.

When you eat pumpkin, the beta-carotene or phytochemicals in pumpkin are converted into vitamin A. This content can help prevent several types of cancer.

“Eating foods rich in beta-carotene can reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer,” said Dr. Muhammad Anwar Irzan.

Quoted from Maturitas, foods rich in phytochemicals have been linked to a reduced risk of cancer, including breast and prostate cancer.

3. Supports eye health

Basically, the body needs vitamin A to support eye health. Eating foods rich in vitamin A, such as pumpkin, is the best choice for someone who is at risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Apart from that, pumpkin is also rich in vitamin C. When a person gets vitamin C from food, this can reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

4. Prevents Acid Reflux
The benefits of pumpkin for the stomach can also help prevent acid reflux or GERD.

This benefit is obtained from the fiber content contained in yellow pumpkin. The insoluble fiber in pumpkin can help speed up the rate of food from the stomach to the intestines. That way, eating yellow pumpkin can reduce the occurrence of reflux.

5. Low Glycemic Index
The benefits of pumpkin are very good for diabetes sufferers. The reason is that the calories in pumpkin are very low and this vegetable also has a low glycemic index, so it can maintain blood sugar levels from soaring.

That way, eating kabocha pumpkin can make you full longer and prevent blood sugar from rising quickly.

6. Prevents Oxidative Damage
The benefits of steamed pumpkin can also have an antioxidant effect, so it can prevent oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Excessive free radicals in the body can trigger oxidative stress which has been linked to chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.

Fortunately, pumpkin contains antioxidants, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, flavonoids, and polysaccharides which can maintain cell health and protect them from oxidative damage.

7. Lowers Blood Pressure
Thanks to the potassium and fiber content in pumpkin, it can help maintain sodium levels and lower blood pressure.

Moreover, kabocha pumpkin also does not contain fat, so it can maintain cholesterol levels in the body.

That way, eating pumpkin can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol buildup, and prevent heart problems.

8. Improves skin health
The antioxidant content such as beta-carotene and lutein in pumpkin is also beneficial for skin health.

The reason is, antioxidants will play a role in preventing oxidation and inflammation of skin cells. This can of course protect the skin from damage, signs of aging, and the growth of skin cancer.

9. Lose Weight
Even though pumpkin calories tend to be low, this food is rich in nutrients. Therefore, many people use pumpkin to help lose weight.

The fiber content in these vegetables can make you feel full longer, thereby preventing an increase in appetite.

10. Increases Collagen Synthesis
Yellow pumpkin contains high levels of vitamin C. Of course, this can support collagen synthesis in the body. As we know, this protein has many functions in the body.

Apart from skin, collagen also plays a role in the health of bones, bones, cartilage, muscles and blood vessels.

It is important to remember, collagen production in the body will decrease with age. Therefore, it is important to consume pumpkin to help increase collagen synthesis.

11. Prevents Neural Tube Defects
Yellow pumpkin contains folic acid which is good for consumption during pregnancy. Folate is a nutrient involved in cell division and DNA synthesis.

This can help prevent neural tube defects in newborn babies. Therefore, it is recommended to consume pumpkin for pregnant women.

12. Source of Vitamin C
Adequate intake of vitamin C has been proven to increase white blood cell production. This can help the body’s immune cells work more effectively.

Luckily, pumpkin contains abundant vitamin C, so it can help keep the body’s immune system healthy.

Other articles: Benefits of Yellow Pumpkin for Heart Health

13. Increase fiber intake
Fiber intake in pumpkin can actually help improve the digestive system and prevent constipation.

When it enters the body, fiber can provide direct or indirect benefits. However, most of the function of fiber is related to the good bacteria in the intestines.

Fiber intake can keep the number of bacteria in the intestine balanced, so that the function of the digestive tract can be maintained properly.

14. Improves Bladder Function
Kabocha may improve bladder function. Apart from that, consuming pumpkin can also help treat overactive bladder.

Based on the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, pumpkin seed oil extract is effective in treating overactive bladder disorders.

15. Supports baby growth
Some parents choose to add yellow pumpkin to their little one’s MPASI menu. The reason is, this Japanese pumpkin has a soft texture and tastes delicious.

Not only that, the nutrition in kabocha is also very high, so it can meet the nutritional needs of babies and help support their growth.

Other articles: Benefits of Yellow Pumpkin for Children’s Health

16. Increase Energy
The magnesium in kabocha can help convert food into energy. By eating pumpkin regularly, this can help increase daily energy.

So, those are some of the health benefits of kabocha. If you want to get the benefits, then add pumpkin to your daily menu, okay?

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source: https://www.klikdokter.com/gaya-hidup/diet-nutrisi/ini-dia-5-manfaat-sehat-mengonsumsi-labu